Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Selling Your Home Before Your Neighbors

Competing for multiple buyers' attention can seem like a tough challenge at first, but with the transition into buyers searching online for real estate listings, it is actually simpler than you may think. The only problem may lye with your fellow neighbor's Realtors posting incomplete profiles. Which can potentially end up being in your favor as well? Marketing and presentation are the two strongest tools a seller has to get their home sold with today's market. Millions of searches each month from buyers have changed the game dramatically, although this is an even easier way to let buyers know that your home exists, not using these tools correctly can leave your property sitting around for a much longer time.
Introduction. Your house is now an item on a shelf, and you're now competing for a small crowd of buyers looking for houses similar to yours. The length of time your home has been sitting on the market doesn't matter at this point because your transformation is about to begin and take over the attention for your area.
Step one. Take out a pen and paper, and begin listing all of your property's amenities. This will give you a visual of everything your property offers. Take note of the spaces provide in each room. For example list the amount of closet space your home provides. Add up the square footage and write down the total for later reference. This step will provide some juice for your profile online.
Step two. With that list in hand sit down and look into your area online. Sites like and will give you the best information to go off of. Start your search $50,000 to $80,000 over what your property is listed at. Two advantages can be accomplished by searching with a higher amount. The first advantage is finding out what the competition looks like and the second being able to compare your list of amenities with the properties that are listed for a higher amount.
Step three. Now it is time to narrow down what properties provide similar amenities to your property. Take the top 5 properties and bookmark them.
Step four. Starting with any of the five properties, dig deeper into the listing profile. Start with the pictures submitted. Do they look professional? What condition are the rooms in? Ask yourself these questions so you can compare and contrast your property to the information you have found. Also look through the typed information as to find incompletion in the profiles. This will give you an opportunity to capture buyers with your completed profile.
Last step. With the data you have now, your top five competing houses, and any comparisons between your home and the rest you can now understand what you need to do to impress any buyer looking to buying a home with your price range.

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