Friday, August 31, 2012

Road Traffic Accident - What To Do At The Scene

Having a road traffic accident can be very frightening and often drivers can suffer from shock in the aftermath.
If you're involved in an accident it is very important to keep calm and get all the relevant information at the scene so that your insurance company can handle your claim and get you back on the road quickly.
Usually, the first person at the scene of a road traffic accident will be another road user. In case of injury needing immediate attention, having first aid knowledge and applying it can be crucial and in some cases it can be the difference between life and death.
Always think about the safety of others and yourself if you need to alert approaching drivers, alert them from the pavement and not from the road. If you happen to have fluorescent clothing wear them and switch on the hazard lights of your car.
In the immediate aftermath of an accident it is tempting to move your vehicles out the road to prevent traffic build up. This is not always a good idea! The positions of the vehicles in the road can be vital if there is a dispute as to who was at fault.
Most mobile telephones have cameras built into them nowadays so it's a good idea to take a few snaps of the positions of the cars before they are moved, together with photos of the damage to the vehicles. These photographs could prove vital further down the line.
If there is anyone passing by that saw the accident, ask them if they wouldn't mind providing you with their details. In the case of an argument as to who was at fault for the accident, the view of an independent witness details can often solve the dispute.
Finally you need to ensure that you exchange full details with the driver of the other vehicle. This should include full names, addresses, telephone numbers and most vitally, registration numbers. Check the registration against the plate of the other car and make sure you write it down clearly and precisely. Your insurance company will need this in order to contact the insurer company of the other vehicle and deal with your claim.
The police don't visit the scene of every road traffic accident. However, if someone is badly injured and the cars cannot be moved and are causing a danger or if the other driver reacts badly to the accident - call 999 and seek further advice.
David has keen interest in environmental and legal issues of all kinds. Specialising in all personal injury types such as clinical negligence, road traffic accident and industrial diseases.

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