One of the best marketing strategies for list building is to send a weekly email to your online mailing list.
Here are five tips you can use to get the most from your opt in email lists...
Tip #1: Create content containing words (and images) that trigger motivating pictures in your prospect's mind
One of the biggest mistakes beginning marketers make is to write a beautiful newsletter (or not... ) that is product, not client centric.
They invest in beautiful graphics and layout and go on and on talking about their product instead of directly addressing what's on the reader's mind.
The key is to capture your reader's interest by touching "... what's really going on below", to paraphrase Leonard Cohen; In other words, get past "product logic" and don't be afraid to tap into emotions.
There are multiple ways to do this, including storytelling, describing benefits in terms of what it allows the client to experience.
For example, rather than talking about features of their service, a Pest Control service might describe the advantages of sleeping soundly knowing your family's home isn't infested and that your children are safe.
Of course, this leads to the question many of my clients ask, "What do we want our readers to DO as a result of this "experience" they have reading the email?"
If you think this through in the beginning it's easier to make your Call-To-Action (CTA) seem like a natural fit, a logical extension of your desire for them to avoid bad stuff and enjoy the good experiences you can help them achieve.
Tip #2: Get Real - write conversationally.
Big Mistake to Avoid: Writing as if you are speaking from a podium to thousands of people...
Big companies may be guilty of this, but you don't have to be.
Email is a very intimate form of conversation. It's just you and your reader engaged in a two-way conversation. Allow them to feel a connection, a relationship with you.
Imagine you are sitting down for dinner, or a glass of wine with one (very special) person. That's how you want your writing to sound.
Extra tip: Before hitting the send button, read it out loud. If it sounds natural, cool. If not, back to the keyboard. Remember, it's not about the list... It's about your relationship with that list.
Tip #3: "Tell a story... " Nothing builds relationship - and sells - like a great story.
Especially with email. You need to grab your reader's attention with the subject line and from there pull them in to the first line of your email.
And by the way, that first line is really like a headline in itself, right? Think about it - With Gmail and other email clients, it's part of what your recipient reads before they decide whether to open it or hit delete.
Make it relevant, but don't make the mistake of being boring and business-like all the time. We all get hooked in by drama. Read and think fiction, especially serial fiction, soap opera. You can also get ideas from news headlines, and tabloids provide great material to draw inspiration from.
Yes, we know that Mars isn't about to explode, or that Elvis really has returned, but when it comes to getting your email read, you must get creative to stand out and make your reader hit "Open".
Tip #4: Make it relevant - What is the conversation going on in your reader's mind right now?
This is where a little research pays off. Write not from your point of view, but from your reader's... What do they want right now? What are they interested in? What will cause them to take a slice out of their busy day to read your message or watch your video?
Do a little keyword research in the Google Keyword tool. Check the forums in your field. Do surveys, ask for feedback, Picture your customers - what are they going through in their day?
I like to keep a keyword list handy when I'm writing. It helps you get out of your own head and into the conversation already going on in your reader's mind, where you will seem more like a "welcome guest than an unwelcome pest" - always a danger in email marketing.
Tip #5: Be a bloodhound - track your results doggedly, every time and all the time.
Use an email services provider that has the right tools and track your open rates and click through rates for each email. You can learn so much from your list this way!
Watch your results and your list grow, and get more responsive. They will teach you how to write so they respond!
One simple way to do this is set up a weekly dashboard showing date sent, subject line, open rate and click through rate. Before writing your next email, review past results. What kind of subject lines get opened? What messages get the best click ratios?
Then write more like that and make it a game - see how far you can increase your response rates. Your reward will be higher profits, better customer relationships.
Thinking of hiring a professional freelance copywriter for help with this?
Before you do, be sure to check out my special report, "3 Profit-Sucking Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Freelance Copywriter".
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