Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's More About Control Than Fairness - Let's Talk About the Rules

It has always been said that there are rule makers and rule breakers, still, I've always enjoyed looking at our social political correctness, customs, rules, laws, regulations, and such and trying to trace back why any given law is on the books or any social norm or standard has come into play. Some of the most interesting perhaps are the religious rules, doctrines, customs, and the policies of the church.
When it comes right down to it, I'd say that most all rules or laws are about control, not about fairness. Some would contend that we need standardization to some degree and that goes without saying so I hardly disagree. Okay so, let's talk and have this discussion, shall we?
Leaders often work very hard to indoctrinate a large number of people to help them keep control of the rest through peer pressure. If everyone is looking around at everyone else expecting them to behave or follow the rules set by the rulers, rule makers, or in our society the lawyers and lawmakers then it makes their job so much easier.
Of course, the leaders know that if they can't get the people to go along with it, they may find themselves ruling with an iron fist or having to get rid of a rule for fear that the people will overthrow them. Some might say this is great; "power to the people," or on the Internet it might be; "power to the user," which is something that Marissa Mayer might smile about.
Nonsensical rules are often not followed unless under severe duress, fear of penalty, or public humiliation. It's often said that if you don't like the law, then get it changed, but don't break it. Those who enforce the law often charge those who refuse to follow the rules as being without character, honesty, or integrity. If the rule breakers make an excuse, the authority claims that they are just trying to rationalize dishonest behavior.
However, sometimes those enforcing the rules are being disingenuous and hypocritical themselves, as they are preventing freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the name of making everyone else happy and getting everyone on the same page for the betterment of the common good. But if everyone in a society is miserable because there are too many rules, each one of them upset at a particular rule, and yet the society as a whole demanding that all the rules be followed, then the entire purpose of the society has been defeated as the life experience has been bastardized as the freedom of choice has been stolen from the individual.
Yes, unfortunately rules and laws are more often than not about control by the powers that be rather than created for fairness, safety, or liberty of the masses. No not in all cases, we do need some laws and some standardization, obviously no sense in living in total anarchy where no one is safe. They say; "if you believe you are free then you are, and if you don't believe you are free then you are not." Now then, let me ask you; do you still feel free considering all the incessant rules, laws, and regulations telling you how to live your life?
Maybe at some point our society should have an honest discussion about this topic. I find it amazing that we create more and more rules each and every day, all of which are supposed to be for our benefit, it's like being swallowed by a boa constrictor, all the while we're being told that this is for our own good. Really?
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Laws and Ethics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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