Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who Qualifies For Section 8 Housing Program

The Housing Authority has made a housing assistance to those individuals who want to rent a place for their family but do not have enough financial resources to do it. Such government agency desires to help these hopeful homeowners who wish to live in a nice and comfortable place. Section 8 housing program basically is assistance for low-income people who wish to own a house through helping them with their monthly payment and other related costs. These expenses consist of real estate taxes, insurance, utility allowance, normal maintenance costs, repairs and replacements, payments on debt to finance repairs and maintenance and expenses to modify the house accessible for people with disabilities.
The US government has shed more attention to housing necessities since more and more families are hopeful to acquire a new house. For a simpler explanation, tenants will just have to pay 30% of their income for the rent and the rest are being paid by the government. This is really a big help to these individuals. If you happen to be one of them, you might ask if you can qualify for this program. Well, here are some basic qualifications for Section 8 housing program.
o First time home buyers
o No property acquired for the past 3 years
o Nobody from your family has ownership in other residential properties
o Have minimum income requirement except for families with disabilities
o Individuals who have a stable and regular employment except for disabled families
o Complied with other Public Housing Agency
o Potential family must complete a housing counseling program
This provision may appear to be a good option for both renters and owners but there are landlords who disagree with it. This is because of the fact that the government agency will conduct a regular check up on all establishments that accepts the Section 8 vouchers. And another thing why some owners strongly oppose to this is government will not let them impose extra charges above the stipulated fair market value of a rental. They do not want to be dictated on how much their rent is. There are still a lot of objections on this Section 8 tenant and the government will give the renter a legal counsel free of charge. These angry owners must be able to present enough detailed documentation in order for them to support all their negative issues and complaints.
For owners who agree to this provision, they are assured that there will always have a lot of renters waiting for housing. Normally, there are more people with Section 8 than there is housing available. This only shows that more and more people are aspiring to have a property that they can call on their own. The United State government is making everything to its people. And one way of doing this is creating a housing program such as Section 8 Housing. In this way, low-income earners will be given the chance to stay in their dream homes. Always bear in mind that if you are an owner or landlord, try to conduct a thorough research on all possible advantages and disadvantages to make necessary preparations.
Looking for more real estate properties? You can check these sites Phoenix Homes with Views and New River Affordable Housing.

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