Thursday, August 30, 2012

Three Industries That Especially Benefit by Using Answering Services

Business call centers today are able to offer a full range of services including inbound and outbound call management, customer service answering service, voice mail, telemarketing, virtual telephone answering service, live chat and much more. For doctors, lawyers and property managers, it's the inbound call management that's high on the list when choosing an answering services company.
A physician would be lost without the ability to field every call - no matter what time of day they come in. During working hours, the clinic or private practice office normally has someone stationed by the phone to deal with these important calls. By using professional virtual telephone answering services, doctors are assured that after-hours calls will also be received and dealt with promptly.
It's no good to simply use voice mail. A patient could be having an adverse drug reaction, side effects from a recent medical procedure, questions about how to care for himself or herself after surgery and any number of other problems that need immediate attention. When physicians contract with customer service answering service, the service takes the call and notifies the doctor at any time around the clock.
As with doctors, dentists also need to be available to their patients in case of an emergency. Answering services staff follow each client's directive regarding what types of calls to forward, either by pager, direct call, e-mail, etc., and what types can wait until the next workday begins. For example, a question about how often to brush teeth can wait. A call about severe gum bleeding after a root canal cannot.
Attorneys are no different from doctors and dentists in that they have certain cases, clients and situations that require their immediate attention. Law offices contract with inbound call centers to take messages around the clock and quickly forward the urgent ones. For attorneys, clients equal money, and when clients need help, those clients expect their attorney to respond, otherwise they might not remain clients.
The legal field is busy, and attorneys often work long hours doing complicated research, preparing court documents, handling depositions and trying cases in court. They're hard to reach, and voice mail would not work for them because most don't have time to pour through 20 or 30 messages every day. Answering services solve these problems and notify attorneys immediately only when the message is an urgent one.
Property managers need to be reachable at all hours, but like with the professionals above, only urgent messages need to get through in the middle of the night. It would be unfeasible for the manager to keep the phone on all night long, but it would be irresponsible to not have a way of being reached in the event of a flood or fire in one of his or her buildings.
To sum up, call center services through the years have become more and more popular, mainly because businesses and professionals have become more and more busy. Doctors, lawyers and property managers especially benefit from call center services, because they're among the professionals who must be available at all times to handle emergencies.
Leonore Krone is a freelance writer for Answer2, an Ocala, Fla.-based provider of customer service answering service for business and professional clients. Interested in finding out more about our virtual telephone answering service? Visit our website today for more information.

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