Friday, August 31, 2012

4 Biggest Mistakes When Making Gold In WoW

In this article I am going to share with you the four biggest gold making mistakes that I see in World of Warcraft.
1. Buying gold from third party sellers. Never do this! It may seem like an easy way to make gold in WOW, but it is against Blizzard's terms of the game and in most cases will lead to a ban being placed on your account. Stick to one of the more reliable gold making strategies like farming, or the auction house.
2. Understand the numbers in the Auction House. A lot of new players fall into this trap when selling an item in the Auction House. Every time you sell an item in the Auction House you only receive 95% of the sale price. So if you sell something for 100g you will only receive 95g in the mail. Make sure you always take this into consideration before selling an item.
3 Always undercutting people in the Auction House. A lot of people think that the best way to make a quick buck is to undercut other people prices. This may make you a bit of gold in the beginning but a lot of the time you will end up losing gold. A lot of the time when you undercut prices a more experienced player will simply buy it and repost it for a profit that you could of made. When people try to undercut other players it can drive down the prices in the Auction House. If you see this it may be better for you to hold on to your items until you see the prices rising. When you see the prices low you can act on it and buy up a lot of inventories to sell later on when the prices start to rise.
4. Posting to many lots at once. When you have a lot of one type of item you will gain nothing by posting them all at once. All you are doing is devalueing the item, other players may start underbidding you and then you will have dropped the market price of the item. Then your item's won't sell and you will have to relist them all for less or wait until the market returns to it's usual price. You will also have to pay all the relisting fees for all of the items that you post too which could prove to be very costly. Instead sell of your inventory slowly over a number of days until it is all gone.
If you utilize the information in this article you will have a much better gaming experience. For MORE awesome ways to make gold in wow visit my website

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